Dr. Ilyas Hamid is THE REAL DEAL. I came to him when I had severe pain in both my knees and both elbows. This was after visiting 5 rheumatologist and 2 general doctors. None of them could help me, they simply ran me in circles with basic blood tests and no answers or resolution for my pain. I went to Ily with the security that he would take care of me with the upmost care and precision and we would work together to figure out the root issues of the pain. We decided to take the GI Map test which was a simple stool test, and discovered a few significant issues which needed to be worked on and corrected. I not only had parasites but I had a gluten intolerance, inflammation, candida and a few other minor issues. With all this new found information he made a regime and a full plan to get me back on track and rid me of this awful pain as well as address the various underlying issues. His plan for me WORKED. Soon after we started his recommended supplements, acupuncture, and lifestyle changes the pain started dissipating. We continued to work together with different modalities and simple things that made huge changes. My pain went from its hard to walk and get out of bed, to back to me running in the backyard with my daughter. I am so grateful that Dr. Ily Hamid took the time to really figure out a cure for my issues that were only getting worse.
I now go to Ily, for all my issues big or small, and he always knows how to correct it and put me right back on track! Amazing person and has great care for his patients! I highly recommend him for a wide variety of ailments, a tune up of your body, and to figure out your issues on a deeper level to then have him correct them.